How did Marx and Engels view literature?
Marx and Engels viewed literature as insignificant.
What is the sociology of literature?The sociology of literature is the production and distribution on literature in a society, and the social composition of the authors and audiences.
What did Matisse believe about all art?That all art shows some form of history or historic event.
What is 'original' about Marxist literary criticism?Its revolutionary understanding of history.
Why is art part of the superstructure?
Because it shows the way people perceived society and the way they felt about it.
What, according to interpretations of Conrad's work was the crisis facing the Western bourgeois class?Conrad's work marked the ideological pessimism facing the western bourgeois class.
Which four elements make up the levels of 'unity' which Marxist criticism focuses on?Text, ideology, social relations & productive forces.
In his letter Joseph Bloc, what did Engels want to deny about the base and superstructure?He denies that there is any one mechanical correspondence between the base and superstructure because elements from each influence each other.
Why does Marx believe we enjoy classical Greek literature?
Liking Greek art is a nostalgic lapse back into childhood.
Claudia, you are falling behind with your work and therefore not making the necessary progress. Upload all overdue work to your blog.
ReplyDeleteAll tasks and deadlines can be found on my teaching blog; you can see the standard and effort required by following the links to your classmates work